Welcome to MeriLado
MeriLado offers a wide range of services and products both in stores and online fulfilling our costumers all needs. Using the power of business, MeriLado reimagines commerce in ways to strengthen communities and empower people in Pakistan. MeriLado reinvents fashion class and connects women with each other with the passion for wear and mission for women’s welfare. MeriLado creates an indistinguishable bond between women from different backgrounds, working with WoPower Foundation, striving to empower all, so that every woman can experience the life through the very way she yearns to live.
Our Mission
Our Vision
MeriLado is born with the mission entirely to empower women in Pakistan on WoPower Foundation’s platform. One purchasing a product from MeriLado stock directly supports less privileged women consciously or without even being aware. You become a part of WoPower Foundation community aspiring to serve women in need of your support any best way possible. MeriLado is all about women’s welfare and development for their better lives and everyone’s thriving future in Pakistan.
The MeriLado steps in the commerce market with a unique vision to make available the best apparel in best price to Pakistani women. Focused on quality production remains MeriLado’s uppermost objective while also reflecting women’s personalities and prestige in different classes and cultures.

The impression empowering women in Pakistan through an attire that absolutely represents the women themselves and Pakistani rich cultures of traditions, fashion and women’s own styles and beauty. We design wear which supplements their bodies and foster their youth, career and passion of clothing which never compromises quality yet is within affordable prices. From the year 2020, every year of Meri Lado is elevating its quality products as well as reach to the more customers and their satisfaction marking success and brand fame. Meri Lado foresees women getting empowered through its own platforms to be part of and finance themselves and families, and it also connects them with WoPower Foundation programs to get skilled and qualified to become entrepreneurs of their own fury in their own kingdom. Meri Lado’s never ending journey continues…
We empower our consumers especially women through exclusive attire rarely found elsewhere in the country with the matchless prices. MeriLado is established purposely to care our foundation WoPower which is established to serve less privileged women in Pakistan. MeriLado is not only a title of an enterprise, it is a platform where women implicitly through buying MeriLado products get to serve women in need of their support. MeriLado is empowering people creating economic opportunities and better lives for all.
Awards & Recognition
Leading groups in commerce industry and influential personalities in Pakistan recognize our products and services. MeriLado is echoed as one of the top reliable enterprises in Pakistan. Our customers are our ultimate voice who rank us high and speak of their satisfaction and contentment with MeriLado products.